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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Stay Inspired and Resilient in Negotiating Your Career and Life ~ with Karen Litzinger

  • Mon, April 04, 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.
  • 66


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Stay Inspired and Resilient in Negotiating Your Career and Life


Whether you are exploring a career change, looking for a job, or just trying to figure out “what’s next,” you can experience a roller coaster ride of emotions. Keeping a positive perspective influences your energy in the search and your outcomes. Learn about the impact of emotions and thoughts on your success and happiness and gain practical strategies to cope with the inevitable ups and downs. You will learn mental, emotional and physical techniques to help you regain or keep a positive attitude and we will do a few of them together during this interactive program.



    Karen Litzinger is the author of the recently released award-winning book, Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search.  As a career counselor with decades of experience and as an obsessive fan of daily inspiration books, Karen recognized that clients need tailored emotional support in addition to career change help and job search advice.  


    Karen has coached thousands of clients, including twenty years in her own business, Litzinger Career Consulting. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Career Counselor and Board-Certified Coach. Karen helps individual clients from high school students through retirees clarify their goals - and reach them.  For corporate clients, Karen provides personalized career transition services during downsizing. Karen is based in Pittsburgh, PA, but helps clients across the country remotely.

    The 40Plus Monday Morning Speaker Series is sponsored by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). FCEDA's Talent Initiative Program provides great resources to connect our 40Plus members to hiring companies, agencies and non-profits across Northern Virginia through https://workinnorthernvirginia.com/.


    Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.

    By joining the Zoom session, you are consenting to be recorded. Recordings of 40Plus Zoom sessions may be used for promotional purposes.