The Federal Government is Hiring
in 2022!
The Federal Resume is NOT the same as a Private Sector Resume
Learn the top tips from Federal Resume Coach, Kathryn Troutman, Author of Federal Resume Guidebook, 7th Edition. The jobs have more important missions than ever…. the benefits are great.
Top tips to be covered:
- How to find the right vacancy announcements
- How to find the use the right keywords and skills in your resume
- How to navigate the self-assessment Questionnaire in the announcement
- Length, format, and accomplishments in the resume
Don’t miss this presentation if you want to apply for a federal position. Lessons are useful for government contractor positions, as well.

Kathryn Kraemer Troutman, Federal Career Coach® is the founder and president of The Resume Place, Inc., a service business located in Baltimore, MD, specializing in writing and designing professional federal and private-sector resumes, as well as coaching and education in the federal hiring process. For the past 30 years, Troutman has managed her Professional Writing and Consulting Practice, Publishing and Federal Career Training business, and with her team of 20 Certified Federal Resume Writers, The Resume Place advises and writes more than 300 federal resumes per month for military, private industry and federal clients world-wide.
Internationally recognized as the “Federal Resume Guru” by federal jobseekers and federal human resources specialists, Troutman created the format and name for the new “Federal Resume” that became an accepted standard after the SF-171 form was eliminated in 1995. She is the pioneering designer of the Federal Resume based on her first book, the Federal Resume Guidebook, which already is in the fourth edition.
Troutman is an in-demand, government contract career trainer, who has trained thousands of federal employees in writing federal resumes and USAJOBS resumes for more than 150 federal agencies in the United States and Europe. Her Federal Career Training courses and publications are listed on the GSA Schedule for government agency purchase. Her popular Web site,, receives more than 50,000 visitors per month, and provides online tools to assist with federal resume writing and federal job searches to jobseekers worldwide.
Troutman created the Certified Federal Job Search Trainer program – the first federal career train-the-trainer program ever – to train career counselors and military career counselors in the federal hiring process and on using the popular curriculum, Ten Steps to a Federal Job®, based on the award-winning book by the same name. Since 2002, more than 1000 career counselors and workshop leaders have been licensed to teach the Ten Steps curriculum. In addition, the 62 U.S. Navy Fleet and Family Support Centers worldwide teach this curriculum to separating and retiring military personnel and family members.
The 40Plus Monday Morning Speaker Series is sponsored by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). FCEDA's Talent Initiative Program provides great resources to connect our 40Plus members to hiring companies, agencies and non-profits across Northern Virginia through
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