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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

A Strategic Approach to Virtually Finding Your Ideal Job ~ with Al Lichtenstein

  • Mon, September 27, 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.
  • 54


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A Strategic Approach to Virtually
Finding Your Ideal Job

Discussion Topics:

  • Preparing an impactful resume
  • Effectively using social media
  • Virtually leveraging your network
  • Identifying what's important to you in your next position
  • Interviewing in a virtual world


As the Founder and Principal, HR RESULTS, LLC, Al Lichtenstein is a former senior human resources executive who has worked for companies in the professional services and life sciences industries as a contributing member of their senior management teams. Being a hands-on head of HR, Al is used to recommending strategic HR initiatives and then "rolling up his sleeves" and implementing them. The HR departments under his leadership supported organizational growth and development by being customer focused and highly responsive.

Al has extensive experience addressing strategic organizational HR issues, designing and implementing results-based performance management processes, and aligning them with organizational reward and recognition systems. He developed programs for his company's talent acquisition processes, implemented and facilitated management development training programs, and directed cross-functional teams in the creation of career ladders and career development programs.

As a former client of an outplacement firm, Al is an active career coach and is instrumental in helping others explore and better define their professional competencies. He clearly identifies career objectives and guides his clients in developing, executing and managing a successful job search campaign.

Prior to starting HR RESULTS, Al served as chief human resources officer for a range of organizations, including: Vice President, Human Resources for Novavax, Inc.; Vice President of Human Resources and Administration for Gene Logic, Inc.; Executive Director, Human Resources and Administration for Boehringer Mannheim Corporation Therapeutics.

Al Lichtenstein earned a Master's Degree in Industrial Relations from Loyola University of Chicago, IL and a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the University of Illinois, Champaign, IL. He maintains memberships in the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the Leadership Breakfast of Maryland. He also holds a Career Management Fellow certification from the Institute of Career Certification International (ICCI), is a certified facilitator for Achieve Global leadership and management development programs, and is a Certified Compensation Professional with the World at Work.

The 40Plus Monday Morning Speaker Series is sponsored by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). FCEDA's Talent Initiative Program provides great resources to connect our 40Plus members to hiring companies, agencies and non-profits across Northern Virginia through https://workinnorthernvirginia.com/.


Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.