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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

My Personal Journey from Business Executive to Business Owner ~ with Holli Redekop Plus Overcoming Challenges After That Initial Success ~ with Moses Wright III

  • Mon, August 09, 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.

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Holli Redekop, Founder and Owner of Silverglow Studio

 My Personal Journey from Business Executive to Business Owner

In this presentation, you will learn: 

  • Starting a business is both challenging and rewarding
  • Some of the on-the-ground, first-hand skills that had to be learned 
  • When you are working with your passions, talents emerge and opportunities come

Prior to moving to DC from Vancouver, British Columbia, in 2010, Holli Redekop had a successful career in event planning and project management, as the Director of Ceremonies and Events, at Simon Fraser University.

As she acclimated to the US, Holli created and built a new career in nonprofit fundraising. In February 2020, Holli left her job as a very successful fundraising executive -- just before COVID struck. Her initial plan was to relax, more widely explore all the DMV had to offer and think about her next career move. Well, the total pandemic shutdown dramatically changed all of that. 

As it did with so many people around the world, the devastation of the pandemic presented an inflection point for Holli. The more she contemplated what was really important to her, and how to direct her life in the post-pandemic period, the more she was drawn to creating her own business.

Holli realized her dream of entrepreneurship the following September when she launched Silverglow Studio.

Today, Holli Redekop is the Founder of Silverglow Studio, a business in Washington DC with a focus on creating natural, non-toxic scented products inspired by nature to encourage busy people to cultivate an environment of peace, happiness and wellness. As part of her journey, Holli has learned many new skills, leveraged her personal talents and abilities, and taken advantage of the many resources, counsel and networks available to her in order to build and grow a successful business.

Holli Redekop also consults part-time as an event planning and project management expert while she continues to build her business.

Holli will share her experience creating a home business from the ground up, and talk about the joys and challenges of working to translate passion into profit.


Moses Wright, III, Owner, Plan For Lives Group, Inc.


Overcoming Challenges After That Initial Success

What you will learn:

Seven strategies and tactics to help you avoid the pitfalls and short-term “valley experiences” that could harm your business.

Several years ago, Moses Wright, III’s career was focused on a variety of roles in retail management, compliance, and business development – all of which cautioned him on the critical importance of simple transitions.  At the time, he wasn’t sure if that offered him a sustainable career path. He committed, however, to relying on the importance of a customer-centric lifestyle, B2B marketing and creating a trusting, client-focused environment.

Today, Moses is the CEO and Sole Proprietor of Plan For Lives Group, Inc, which for the past five years has served its clients in diverse Life and Health Insurance matters. PFL provides its wide range of clients with income protection, management and investment services, as well as retirement planning counsel, and income portfolio management services. PFL Group also coordinates with another wealth management firm, PLR Investments Services, which primarily serves clients in the midst of -- or contemplating -- some kind of career transition, including a job change, second career, or an early retirement.

The 40Plus Monday Morning Speaker Series is sponsored by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). FCEDA's Talent Initiative Program provides great resources to connect our 40Plus members to hiring companies, agencies, and non-profits across Northern Virginia through https://workinnorthernvirginia.com/.