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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Networking That Works - Tips on how to get more out of networking ~ with Jessica Brown

  • Mon, March 22, 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.


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Networking That Works
Tips on how to get more out of networking

  • Discuss how we currently approach networking.

  • Distinguish why this way may not be effective in helping us get to where we want to go.

  • Identify key tactics to improve the results you get from networking.

  • Engage and practice networking skills in a safe and fun environment.


Jessica Brown is an organizational and leadership development consultant and coach with extensive experience working with all organizational levels creating, promoting, and delivering solutions designed to support the organization’s vision and mission. Her passion is helping companies build solutions and systems for accelerated and sustainable organizational and leadership excellence.

During the past decade as a coach, she has helped leaders develop their skills and style to be more successful in their role. She works with leaders on an array of topics including emotional intelligence, delegation, time management, feedback, conflict resolution, employee development, and much more. 

As a consultant, she has served organizations by designing and delivering successful programs in leadership development, team building, change management, performance management, succession planning and many other topics. Jessica's consulting and coaching offers clients insights and assistance in establishing best practices in organizational and leadership development and building effective and efficient companies that get results.

The 40Plus Monday Morning Speaker Series is sponsored by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). FCEDA's Talent Initiative Program provides great resources to connect our 40Plus members to hiring companies, agencies and non-profits across Northern Virginia through https://workinnorthernvirginia.com/.


Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.