Asking Works

If you've felt frustrated, after being excited to interview or discuss new opportunities, it may because you aren't sure if the information you offered hit the right elements for them to know you are perfect for the position. Even as we experience the unconscious biases associated with being over 40, how we shape our own stories of experience can make all the difference between opportunities going to young and trainable versus experienced and wisely agile. In this short presentation, Carole asks you to take a break, take a breath, and take an adventure to find out some gold information you didn't even know you needed to hunt for so that your shared experienced land with more rich information. Having spoken before on how to shape your experience stories, Carole realizes that there needs to also be time to gather information to make these stories more meaningful. Now is a perfect time, with a tested framework, to go after new information for you to share. The bonus is that you can also use this in every area of your life to drive richer conversations, gain better information and insights, and ultimately become more polished at storytelling that engages your audience better than anyone else.

Carole Stizza is an Executive Leadership Coach, Senior H.R. Professional, and a Strength Strategy Specialist whose clients gain clarity on what they want, get recognized for their valued experience, and reap the rewards that are most meaningful to them – to include: increased
influence, life balance, visibility, promotions, and monetary gains. Success is not a comparison game - it is finding your version of success that inspires you to become who you want to become.
Carole's background includes a master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, a rich career in human resource and facilitation roles, and supporting a military family across the U.S. for 26 years. She has experienced great leadership and the fall-out from toxic leadership. She’s been honored to receive awards that include Woman of the Year, Volunteer of the Year,
and her favorite: coolest ‘Ya-Ya’ from her adorable young grandson. Carole currently coaches, trains, and consults leaders and executives in the public, private, IT, marketing, non-profit, and in the government space. She is a contributing author in Compassion @ Work (2017) and Coach Wisdom Vol 1 (2019), with a new book being released June 2021: The ASK Framework: Questions That Elevate Your Influence, Performance, and Leadership.
C: 719-351-5364/

The 40Plus Monday Morning Speaker Series is sponsored by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). FCEDA's Talent Initiative Program provides great resources to connect our 40Plus members to hiring companies, agencies and non-profits across Northern Virginia through
Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.