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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Essential Self-Care Strategies for Challenging Times ~ with Renée Emery

  • Mon, December 07, 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.


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Essential Self-Care Strategies for Challenging Times

Let’s face it, 2020 has been challenging in more ways than one -- a global pandemic, national politics, an economic downturn, job loss, and social unrest. It’s been a doozy of a year. At this point, we are all in need of some essential self-care. But what is that, really?

This course will answer the question of what self-care REALLY is and what it is not. You’ll get actionable strategies to help alleviate stress, exhaustion and over-whelm. And just in time for the holidays!


Renée Emery is a transformational life coach and consultant who helps busy professionals manage the often overwhelming reality of integrating their personal and professional lives. Renée helps her clients regain a sense of balance and purpose by helping them get unstuck, take control, and achieve their goals. She uses a multi-pronged approach to motivate and support her clients; helping them shift their mindset, realize their vision and take inspired action.

After spending two decades in the corporate world as a supplier diversity inclusion professional, coaching small and diverse businesses, Renée opened her boutique coaching firm. Her background combined with an avid interest in personal and spiritual development has made the move from corporate America to entrepreneurship a natural transition.

Renée offers both individual and group coaching programs, and a variety of workshops Renée is a certified transformational life coach and SOAR Retreat Facilitator. She holds a Master’s degree in Organizational Communication and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism.


Renée Emery


Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.