Generate income through self-employment in the Gig Economy ~ with Michael Butera

An alternative to W2 work? Consider a journey to freelance 1099 work!
As a professional have you considered shifting from traditional W-2 employment to freelance and small business ownership?
The new Gig Economy may offer you that opportunity. Michael Butera is the owner of Association ActiVision, LLC and a facilitator for
Let’s explore the options, challenges, and potential future of employing yourself. In this session, we will: outline the new economy, initial steps in considering freelancing and a series of interactive exercises for you to consider this opportunity.
Michael A. Butera is the founder and CEO of Association Activision, LLC. A boutique consulting firm specializing in strategic planning, board revitalization and development, actualizing foresight, non-profit management, executive coaching, keynotes, and data-driven infused organizational transformation.
He is active as a facilitator for An organization dedicated to helping older citizens transition from traditional W-2 work to 1099 freelancing.
Prior to creating Association Activision, Butera served as Executive Director/CEO of the National Association for Music Education and the Give a Note Foundation. He is a seasoned association executive having served as the state executive director in three National Education Association state affiliates; Maine, Maryland, and Wisconsin. While at the NEA’s national office he was the Northeast Regional Director and before that assignment, he managed the Western States Government Relations Team covering all states west of the Mississippi River. He also served in various field and community organizing positions in Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Oklahoma Associations.
Butera has made frequent presentations to large and small groups around the country. Most recently making presentations to the Virginia Society of Association Executives (VSAE), the Mid-Atlantic Society of Association Executives, Howard County NAACP, and Associations Catalyzing Entrepreneurship) (ACE). He has also been a presenter at the Annual Meeting of ASAE and with the National Education Association (NEA). The focus of presentations is on learning to work and grow in the new ecology of the 121st century, rethinking long held assumptions about employee skills and the need for long-term thinking in achieving sustainability for yourself and your organization.
Association ActiVision, LLC helps you imagine your association capable,-active,-creative,-and sustainable-achieving its goals by practicing the Art of Adaption. This practice involves three pillars: curiosity, action visioning, and sustainability; learning, balancing and using respectful power in achieving better results.
Plan to join us after the meeting for networking.
Admission is free.
Doors open at 9:45 AM for networking. The program starts at 10 AM at our NEW location:
1325 G St NW, 1st fl.
Washington, DC