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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Beyond LinkedIn: Help Recruiters Find You Online - with Angela Heath

  • Mon, December 02, 2019
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • 1325 G St. NW, 1st fl. Washington DC

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Beyond LinkedIn: Help Recruiters Find You Online

-with Angela Heath, CEO of TKC Inc.

In today’s employment environment, you must stand out. Employers are not only looking for the right skills, aptitude and temperament, they are also looking for thought leadership. During this session, Angela Heath reviews ways you can build your professional online reputation so when potential employers search for you, they will find evidence of your industry expertise. You will be better positioned to negotiate from a position of power to secure a better offer.

About the speaker
Angela Heath is the CEO of TKC Incorporated, an idea studio that guides individuals and businesses in leveraging the gig economy to save time, effort and money. Through consulting and training services, Angela helps professionals 45+ re-invent to earn income on their own using what they already know. She is an award-winning keynote speaker and author. Prior to launching TKC Incorporated, she owned a consulting practice, Heath & Company, for over 20 years conducting focus group research and creating national instructional programs. Angela has received numerous accolades for her content, national solutions, and curriculum design. She has produced nearly a hundred content pieces on subjects ranging from numerous self-help topics to aging to business ideation.

Angela's blog: https://angelaheathspeaks.com/blog/


Plan to join us after the meeting for networking.

Admission is free.  

Doors open at 9:45 AM for networking. The program starts at 10 AM at our NEW location:

1325 G St NW, 1st fl.
Washington, DC