Volunteer Your Way to the Job You Want
-- with 40Plus Experts
Special Event in our NEW LOCATION: 1325 G ST NW

Veteran hiring manager and career coach Tom Goodwin leads a 40Plus panel on a subject that's often overlooked.
How to find a volunteer role that will:
>>Add skills and experience to your resume
>>Strengthen your contact network
>>Freshen your work history
>>Bring new achievements and references
>>Energize you to go after the job you really want!
During the anxious heat of the job hunt, you may overlook volunteering in an unpaid position. But the time invested can reap large rewards -- both professionally and in terms of your own life satisfaction. Especially for people in a mid-career transition, volunteering can be an important part of shifting onto a new, more satisfying professional track.
About the speakers
A former recruiter and human resources professional, Tom Goodwin is a 35-year veteran of employment-related positions, where he was responsible for hiring or representing accomplished professionals. He's currently a volunteer board member of 40Plus of Washington and a member of its Operations Council.
40Plus Executive Director John Wilhelm Jr., CPA, is a 2016 graduate of the 40Plus Career Transition Skills Training Class and has been a 40 Plus facilitator for the past 3 years. Outside of his volunteer job of leading 40Plus, he's a Field Agent at Knights of Columbus Insurance -- following his own successful career transition.
Ron Moore is director of operations at 40Plus, where he has volunteered since November of 2018. A former software development project manager, he is shifting career gears by launching his own business services company.
Plan to join us after the meeting for networking.
Admission is free.
Attire is business casual.
Doors open at 9:45 AM for networking. The program starts at 10 AM at our NEW location:
1325 G St NW, 1st fl.
Washington, DC