Demystifying Executive Search: Behind-the-Scenes Tales from the Recruited & Recruiter With executive recruiter LEE WOOD and marketing communication consultant ROZANNE WEISSMAN

  • Mon, December 16, 2013
  • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 40Plus Conference Room***(Doors open at 9:30 for networking and the program starts promptly at 10:00.)

Directions to 40 Plus

Monday Morning Speaker Presentation:
Lee Wood & Rozanne Weissman:

Demystifying Executive Search:   Behind-the-Scenes Tales from the Recruited & Recruiter

With executive recruiter LEE WOOD
marketing communication consultant ROZANNE WEISSMAN

What you will learn at the session:

Developing a relationship with executive recruiters – how it begins, a little bit like a “blind date” – think The Washington Post’s Date Lab where you size each other up.

What do recruiters REALLY want and how can you give them what they need and stay on their radar? And, what turns off a recruiter?

From a candidate’s perspective –how to get positively noticed, how to interview well when you’re dejected after a long search, how to determine if you’re a good fit, how to say “no” if it’s not right for you, how to negotiate what you want if they want you.

Opportunity not only for Q&A but also anything at all about your job search.


Lee Wood and Rozanne Weissman met during an executive search years ago. Other recruiters told Rozanne that they couldn’t recruit her for their clients because of where she worked. Rozanne was dejected. Meanwhile, Lee watched Rozanne during a crisis for weeks and recruited her as a successful candidate for VP Corporate Communications. On each of Rozanne’s six anniversaries, Lee and Rozanne celebrated over teatime that she made it through another year because the board fired many executives during her tenure.

About The Speaker


Lee Wood was an executive recruiter and principal for 11 years for Korn/Ferry International, the world’s largest executive search firm and the largest publicly traded search firm in the United States, with 76 offices in North America.  Since then she has been Vice President of Programs for a nonprofit and consultant as well as board member for a number of nonprofits. She has combined her 30 years of nonprofit and executive search in her work as principal of Strategies for Growth where she specializes in executive search, strategic and program planning and design; board, organization and staff training and development. Her work focuses on strengthening and building upon the existing structures of organizations to stimulate their growth and success.  Clients include the William S. Abell Foundation, Active Minds, Bright Beginnings, Inc., Burness Communications, Fight For Children, The Global Fund for Children, Horton's Kids, House of Ruth, Junior Achievement of the National  Capital Area, Martha's Table, Mentors, Inc., The Reading Connection, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Woodley House.


Rozanne Weissman is “Chief Guru” of Rozanne Weissman & Associates. She started her own marketing communications consultancy after leaving a 13-year job with the Alliance to Save Energy in the midst of the economic downturn when her mom was in hospice in another city. She had developed relationships with recruiters early in her career by becoming a source and actively meeting them. Ultimately, she was recruited for two jobs by major search firms Korn/Ferry International (by recruiter Lee Wood) and years later by Russell Reynolds. And, she has been jobless and knows what it’s like to be in the position of the 40+ audience. While she is not in the market for a full-time job, she remains a source for recruiters and recently recommended a candidate who became CEO of a nonprofit.

Contact The Speaker

Rozanne Weissman

Twitter: @PRlady007

Rozanne Weissman & Associates

Marketing Communications. Impact. RESULTS!  

60+ Awards

Reviewer of Films, Food


Further biographical information and a photo are on her website –

Attire is business casual, recruiters are often present, so we ask all Monday Speaker attendees to contribute to the professional standards and objectives of this important networking meeting.

Doors open at 9:30 for networking and the program starts promptly at 10:00.

40Plus of Greater Washington
1718 P Street, NW, Suite T2
Washington, DC 20036

  Dupont Circle Metro Station (Red Line) South Exit to 40Plus Office.

  1. Leave the Dupont Circle Metro Station by the 19th Street SOUTH exit.
  2. At the top of the escalator (street level), turn 180 degrees, and walk a short distance towards Dupont Circle.
  3. Turn right and walk counter-clockwise around the outside of the Circle, past Connecticut and Massachusetts Avenues.
  4. At P Street, turn right . Proceed on P Street past 18th Street.
  5. 40Plus is near the end of the block on the right side, at 1718 P Street, in the Webster House apartment building.
  6. See below for ONCE YOU ARE AT THE BUILDING the 40Plus office is in the basement/one flight down on "level 'T' " You can't miss it.

Directions to 40Plus

40Plus of Greater Washington
Empowering Experienced Professionals
 for Successful Career Transitions